The world is a terrible place, children. It is full of self centered, sociopathic freaks bent on making your life a living hell. This is the reason why there is not a shiny new Watchmen review.
Some assbag with a fatty plow on the front of his truck scraped up against the side of my truck. The fool hit it so hard that it bent the rear axel and the whole damn thing is caddywhompus now! The Auto Repair guys are telling me its probably totalled.
This is a little message to you, the dumbass mouth breather that smashed my car:
There is little chance that I will ever find you, but know this, if I do, I will use your goddamn femur to knock the dents out of my truck! You are probably some idiot piece of redneck trash that can’t properly use is manhood, so you bought a fatty, piece of shit, F250 (most likely from the 70s or 80s, because that’s the best you can afford with your minimum wage income that is split between meth and credit card debt) and stuck a plow on it, a tool you can actually use (unlike your useless penis that quit out on you after you fathered two children with two separate mothers), though not that well apparently. I’ll bet you were on your way home to your trailer filled with moldy dishes and a neglected dog, which is no doubt the only love you have in your sad, pathetic life.
Alright…I feel better now…I will start working on the Watchmen review.